24 oktober 2008

15 year old Singing Sensation Meets Mariah Carey

Visitors that have read previous posts on this Blogspot might know that I once had Mariah Carey on my 'Sales Team' so they will understand that I can imagine that it must be an honorable privilege to be able to meet Mariah Carey in person!

(see: Mariah Carey On my Sales Team? )

So the video here below is for more than one reason definitely something worth mentioning on a Happy Music Blogspot...,

29 augustus 2008

Guess who's Bithday it is Today???

I was just lying in the Sun Listening to the Radio on my little 'Solar Powered Radio' and there I heared in an announcement that it's Michael Jackson's Birthday today!!!

So I just rushed to my computer to put some CD's on my Music Blogspot because Michael Jackson is definitely a 'Music Force of Nature' that you simply cannot denie.

In the Video her below you can see that Michael Jackson also inspired thousands of people like you can see for example in the 'Britains Got Talent Video' here below:

So as promised CD's of this Music & Dance Genius:

Here below is just a tiny portion of the 'Going down the Memory Lane'
Or maybe I must say 'Get on down', 'Get on down the road...,' You can say what you want about Michael Jackson - and the whole Jackson Family for that matter - that Music is in his vains.

15 augustus 2008


Recently I saw on Television
the tv-programm titled: 'Rockschool'.

It's a tv-programm about how 'Gene Simmons' a Rockstar
known from the famous Rock band KISS that teaches young kids
to make a band. One of the newley formed bands
is called 'No Comment'

That's actually what inspired me to write this post,
because that is exactly what I like to tell you about this blog,
that you can find all kinds of interesting COMMENTS on this blog.

Usually I also get all kinds of comments on blogposts,
although sometimes - when I don't get manny comments on a post
I put in comments myself by putting in famous quotes
from famous people to complement my post, and make
it extra interesting to read. So you can imagine that

'I also like to receive COMMENTS
from my famous readers!!!'

'from somebody famous like YOU !!!'

O.K. maybe you might (not yet) be famous so
you don't actually have to be famous for it
(But watch out!!! it might just be possible
that you BE-come famous if you post here!!! :)

For example let me know what
you think about the band KISS.

To get a better idea about the band KISS, or
to refresh your memory here below
you can find a few interesting KISS products.

2 augustus 2008

Yes, great MUSIC, you can hear for YOURSELF!!!

Just saw a video clip on TV...,

I have heard it on the radio several times already and I do think that a CD that's Titled 'SPIRIT' deserves a recommendation on an 'In-Spirit', or 'Inspirational' website as HP's Happy Music Blogspot.

'When you CLICK at the 'Banner'
here below you can also Listen to
several Music Clips
and hear for yourself!'

What Else You Can Read on This Blog

31 juli 2008

Backstage with Ashlee Simpson

Just back from a visit to the beach, and while checking my (Yahoo) mail I saw this 'Backstage' video from Ashlee Simpson.

So why not also show you also one of her CD's, and while I am at it, also show you a CD
of her also stunning looking sister:

29 juli 2008

Happy Feet dancing the Macarena

It's been 15 years since Antonio Romero and Rafael Ruiz (Los del Rio) wrote "Macarena" what is known today as the biggest selling Latin Record in Music history" according to Darius Jordi Lassus President and CEO of IMC Records, Inc.

IMC Records is celebrating a Fiesta Quinceañera Macarena with Los del Rio, Jon Secada

This year in the U.S. 400,000 Latinas will turn 15 and celebrate a Quinceañera party, a Quinceañera or Quince años is, in some Spanish-speaking regions of the Americas, a young woman's celebration of her fifteenth birthday, which is commemorated in a unique and different way from her other birthdays.

If you like to combine dance with loosing weight you definitely like to have a look at an other 'Dance Craze' you can find at: Fitness Phenomena

4 februari 2008

An Other 'Music Business Inside Story'

An other great artist that I want to talk about
is Trijntje Oosterhuis, some time ago she performed
at the 'Goois Jazz Festival!', there she was
the 'Mystery Guest'. (Somehow I must have been enough 'Insider'
to know that she would be the Mystery Guest that evening,
because I did hear about it from some of the musicians.)

O.K. now about the (Getting) Inside Story..,

Because I promised to listen to somebody performing in one
of the bands at the Jazz Festival, (In several areas
of the building, several bands where playing at te same time)
I somehow almost managed to miss the performance
of Trijntje Oosterhuis!

The doors of the hall where already closed
and nobody could get in anymore. Fortunately there also was
a side door near the stage and maybe also because
I was there with a Musician we could get in that way probably
as being seen as one of the 'Music Guy's', having
the best spots possible, practically on stage ourselves!
At the same spot as Willem Duys, Known from Dutch Radio & TV
and known for being a big fan of 'Toots Thielemans'
the Musician that Trijntje performed with.

(You can also read about this
Toots Thielemans Tribute Concert)

Trijntje has a special CD with Burt Bacharach Songs,
in the Video here below you can find
a song titled: "That's what Friends are For".

Or if you want to watch it fullscreen you can go to:


(there you can click at the bottom right corner of the screen
to enlarge to Fullscreen.)

So - talking about 'What Friends are For' - feel free to: :)

Tell a friend:

Here below you can find one of Trijntjes recent CD's

and the other CD on the Right titled: 'Who'll Speak for Love' has a song from Burt Bacherach especially written for Trijntje Oosterhuis!!

Was released 25 December 2007.

Trijntje also sings with Lionel Richie; The Wonderfull Song titled:

'Face in the Crowd'

You can find it on the DVD here below:

'Lionel Richie Symphonica in Rosso
Life in Gelredome, the Netherlands'

You can Post your Feed Back by clicking the "Comments" link.

1 januari 2008

Your Ticket to Nice Music

Thinking about how strange it may appear to think of Mariah as belonging to my sales team, as you once might have read in one of the previous posts.

(you can find the previous post in the link here below:)

  • http://hpshappymusic.blogspot.com/2008/01/your-ticket-to-nice-music.html

  • I have some even stranger things that I became to realise. In my time at that Big Entertainment Company I worked, I was once invited to come to a special concert of "Brian McNight" didn't went to the concert, because I worked hard, hardly had any energy left to go to all the concerts that I could go to besides at that time I didn't even know who he was!!! Just a few days later I saw him perform in an episode of the Hit TV-series "Beverly Hills 90210" And recently read in a newspaper article that he has sold over 16 Million Albums!

    Than an other thing also was invited to the After Party of "Boys II Men" infact the tickets for it came out of my printer. Didn't go to that one either. The stranges thing when I some years ago bought a CD of Mariah Carey "Nr. 1's" I discovered that she had duets with both Brian McNight "When ever you Call" and on that CD there is also a song "One Sweet Day" with Boys II Men! So can you blame me to do something back and be on her Sales Team as well.

    You can find her CD on Amazon.

    TARZAN, Great Music
    Great Performance!

    I got an Invitation, and Yesterday went
    to the Musical TARZAN with Music and Lyrics
    by Phill Collins. This performance was a lot different
    than any other theatrical production
    I have ever seen,

    (It also plays in the Jungle, a place that 
    we took many of our Photo's for our Designs!

      TARZAN is one of the very well known 

    EVERGREEN Stories that everybody knows! 

     In this Production.....,
           'An 'openings scene' that definitely is out of the ordinary...!!'

    (you can simply click the (fat)
    link 'CLICK HERE' here below to read more)

    It is Produced by the
    Dutch Production Company 'Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties'
    together with 'Disney Theatrical Productions'
    I went to the performance in a theatre named:
    'Het FORTIS Circustheater' here
    in the Netherlands(Europe).

    In this theatre they have tremendious special facilities
    because in this performance of Tarzan they have the actors
    flying arround even above the crowds sitting in the audiance!

    The story probably is familiar, it's about a youngh
    English family that has been shipwrecked and gets lost
    in the Jungle. The parents don't survive the merciless Jungle,
    leaving their newborn baby allone in the Jungle. Although
    not entirely allone because he gets 'resqued' by Kala
    a female gorrilla that takes care of him. This way
    he survives and gets brought up by gorrillas.

    (BTW you can read more about
    things like Story telling
    and Writing on the

    Writing Blog)

    While constantly looking for his true identity,
    he is faced with a Dilemma when he has to choose
    between his gorrilla family where he was brought
    or accompany Jane, and build upa life among people
    of his own kind?

                 'A wonderful theatrical performance by actors Chantal Janzen (Jane)
                 and originally Ron Link* (Tarzan), and the rest of the cast where all
                 unbelievably proffesional and it must have been a challenge to
                 also learn to be acrobats!'

    * (Last Minute Information: due to
    a little accident having a broken toe,
    the 'understudy' John Vooys replaced
    Ron Link during his recovery.)

    The decors and Light & Sound effects also
    where very impressive. For example there
    was a white cloth hanging from the top all
    the way down to lying on stage with moving
    lighteffects, giving it the illusion
    of a waterfall going over into a spring.
    It all looked somewhat magical.

    And also it goes without saying that the Music
    and Lyrics by Phill Collins are great and
    will bring back the memory to this wonderful
    performance every time I hear one of
    the songs from it on the radio.

    Sorry, that I cannot tell you anything
    about the very unusual special 'openings scene'
    you have to see for yourself!

    In this Musical You also See Chantal Janzen 
    that we also know als 

    TV-Presenter for example 

    Melinda Doolittle, Talent Alert!

    If you know my Blog a little you probably know that I love Music, well here is a great Talent. From American Idol. (You can also watch other Songs of Melinda by clicking on 'Menu'.)

    Or if you want to watch it fullscreen you can go to:


    JAMMING & Aplause from the Audience

    What Else You Can Read on This Blog

    Myspace, youtube, finding music lyrics etc. etc.

    Searching for things on the Internet everybody is searching for myspace, google, ebay, yahoo, paris hilton, youtube or looking for music lyrics. Luckely people are now starting to find my Blogspot. One of my Happy Vibe Columns is about "Success Waves" and looking at my top amount of visitors from a few months ago compared with the top amount from recently show a more than 100% increase! So people are starting to find my blog. Share your comments or let me know what your would like to find on my blog, if you have interesting ideas or if you want to "Guest Star" as a "Guest Writer" feel free to contact my at my yahoo email you can find on this site.

    Did you know I once had MARIAH CAREY on my Sales Team?!!

    O.k. I admit it's a matter of putting it..,

    Some years ago I wrote a "Short Story" published in the Glossy Magazine FHM. (see Writing Success) On the Cover of that particular magazine was a Big Photo Picture of MARIAH CAREY. She must have played a role in the amount of Sales of the Magazine, the Magazine that contained one of my own publications! I was kind of proud to have such a famous person as Mariah on the Cover, an extra guarantee that people would notice the Magazine at the Kiosk. So as you can See..., Technically Mariah Carey has been on my Sales Team!

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