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27 juni 2009

Michael Jackson an unusual Big Multi Talent.

Well it's almost impossible not to write something
about Micheal Jackson, although
I don't really know what to write other than
that he was a Musical Genius that I consider
one of the biggest artists.

An artist that inspired a lot of people as you can also
see in a post I made 29 August 2008
about Michael Jackson and a dancer that did
an imitation during Britains Got Talent.

You can find it at:

Post I made 29 August 2008

When an artist like Michael Jackson who inspired
so many people it makes you wonder where
HIS inspiration came from? Well - although

I must admit it might be a little far fetched.....,
but on the other hand, you never know!
I might actually have discovered where Michael
got his Inspiration for his MOONWALK from!!!

You can find it under 'Current Posts'
in the funny YouTube Movie
with an exceptional choreography at:


At HP's Happy MOVIES Blogspot
you can also find out about something that possibly is a little less know,
the fact that Michael Jackson also was a BIG MOVIE MAKER!!!-
Besides High Budget Music Video's -
also left his mark in cinematic expression
in a HUGE BIG way aswell!

Here below Nr. 1 Hits.

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

My name is %name&% anԁ fіrst off I
wоuld lіke to say greаt blog.
I haԁ а quick questіon ωhich
I’d like to аsk if you don't mind. What do you do to clear your mind and find your center of focus before you sit down to write? Recently I just can't get my head сlear so that I'm prepared to work on my ideas. I love writing once I get into the act, but most of the time I feel as if I end up wasting the first 10 to fifteen minutes forcing myself to concentrate. Do you have any advice or techniques?

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hpvanduuren zei

A possible approach might be to first create a Writer's Workspace that Inspires

For example by putting up 'Clippings' of previously published articles, or posters of favorite writers or people you admire etc. etc.

That way you might be able to instantly slip into your 'Writing Mode' more easily.

hpvanduuren zei

You also might consider just starting
to write a statement such as:

'I want to write ....,' and than just write what you think.

Than afterwards when you wrote something you can start to Summarise & Organise it.

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